If you would like to help others in the Picture Rocks community, here is a list of local organizations you may contact:

Picture Rocks Community Center, Inc. (PRCCI)

6691 N. Sandario Rd. (between the Speedway and the old Fire Station)
Phone: 520-616-7096

They accept monetary donations and “anything usable” (e.g. clothing, household items, furniture, canned goods, etc.).

Their services include a diaper bank, a food line, and vouchers for clothing.

 Picture Rocks Community Center (county-run)
5615 N. Sanders Rd.
Phone: 520-682-7166

They accept gently used clothing and household items for their rummage sales that are held 3 times a year.

Social services include a free/low cost lunch program and food boxes.

Citizens for Picture Rocks

This is a non-profit, all volunteer community improvement organization that provides a variety of ongoing and seasonal activities and produces the Picture Rocks Digest. (A free newsletter about issues and events in the community – it is available at the co-op.)

Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the Picture Rocks Community Center and are free and open to all.

Utility Assistance Programs:

Salvation Army (520) 795-9671 Call for walk-in appointment info
Interfaith Community Services (520) 297-6049
Pima County Community Action Agency (520) 724-2667 (Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30-10:30 a.m.)
Chicanos Por La Causa – (520) 882-0018
Portable,Practical Educational Preparation, Inc.(PPEP)- Rental Assistance (520) 741-4397
Primavera Foundation – (520) 395-6420

Pima County Utility Assistance:  Go to the Pima County website under and under the Community tab you will see Utility Assistance under Help Now. Pima County Emergency Services Program –

AZ DES Financial Assistance & Housing Stability Services :